Sunday, August 26, 2007

Homepage Idea

This is what I was proposing. This Google calendar opens big when clicked on to schedule it doesn't. I can no longer get my calendar to do that because I think the default calendar is now on the mail page menu. Hmm.... just wondering about this...Teacher says 'Test on Friday" kids have to breeze into email to schedule it. Will they? Or stay in mail and read that and then forget about scheduling altogether?

The day planner is a big deal to the teachers.... at least that's what I am hearing so far....

What are you guys hearing from teachers? How do they envision students using this ?

As I play around with it I am wondering... hmmm there is no way to default to the above sample pictured homepage. I think its fluid for a customize the way you want it. It is your home page after all and I bet most kids would rather see the joke of the day or some lava lamp than a calendar. All the stuff in Blue (right 2 columns) are customizable to the user. So my thoughts on an "easy to access" whole day planner thing might be moot....

COULD we put this calendar/day planner on the left default under email?

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