Friday, June 27, 2008

Someone from the July Plug and Play Camp posted an item about this site:

It looks very cool for virtual and online classroom instruction.

1 comment:

Jeff Billings said...

I continue to love the direction of good tools that are starting to appear, like this one. Just remember that it's good to explore, but per Board Policy and OC3 recommendations, online collaboration and communication between students and teachers in portals/sites/systems outside of PVUSD's ability to monitor and some sort of control (if necessary), should not be attempted. I am hopeful that more single sign abilities between web systems will continue to grow. But, for now, keep it to pvlearners and the embedded Google Apps therein. We have much, much to learn with what we've got. Explore on your own, gives you an idea of what's coming. But, interact only within pvlearners accounts.