Sunday, September 9, 2007

Distribution List from pDAT My Roster

Karl from PHS asked the question,

"Is it possible to import student emails from pDAT into"

Answer: Not directly.  But, here's what I would do.

In pDAT under My Roster, select all the information, copy it and paste it into a spreadsheet.  Then, select the email addresses from the column in the spreadsheet, go into pvlearners, add a new distribution list from the Contacts area of the eMail application, and paste all the email addresses into a new list.  Presto, you have one distribution list for all the students in all of your classes.

Now, for MS and HS application, where you probably want a distribution list by class period, it's a little bit trickier (we really need to get a class list roster by period in pDAT - I'll work on that).  For this type of application, well, I would have each of your first period students email a GenYes student (nice little project), their email address.  The GenYes student compiles a spreadsheet for you of each period with the student's email accounts.  Once completed, the GenYes student emails the teacher the spreadsheet, and you can compile the distribution lists.  You might want to make a shared doc with the email addresses, for your students to also use the distribution lists - just make the shared doc only viewable to students of, not the entire world.  Make sense?  Not perfect, but a nice GenYes project to help the integration of technology into the learning environment.

In the meantime, I'll work on getting the class period as one of the fields in pDAT, so that when you copy and paste from My Roster, things are already broken up by period.


Karl Johnson said...

I fixed the problem by copying my entire roster from pdat into a spreadsheet. I then deleted the columns I didn't need and added a header to identify the columns.
I then saved the file as a
CSV file to import into my contacts.

A word of advice..
The contacts import alphabetically by first name. To make life easier for me to create groups, I named the "last name" column in my CSV file "first name"so all my names would go in alphabetically by last name.

Then I printed out some rosters from POGB and created my groups by period.

Jeff Billings said...

The class roster list by period is now present in pDAT, so you should be able to sort by period in a downloaded spreadsheet of your roster, copy and paste to make a distribution list....