Sunday, May 11, 2008

Use Google "Sites" as Wikis

You can use Google Sites as Wikis.  Check out a pbwiki site, I just ported over for Tom Warner.

Drill down into Science and Animal Reports to see student work - wow - 4th graders!!!!

Just add your students in Contacts as a Group (good thing to have for getting going with this stuff), after you create a site, then add the student Group as "Collaborators" when you share.  Students get an invite to the Site through their email, they click on the invite.  The next time they log in, they will be able to edit, as a Collaborator.

Because the integration of Sites with all the other Google Apps is so easy, the porting was easy.  Tom was having some trouble with the integration in pbwiki of other Google documents, like Presentations.  You can integrate, docs, sheets, etc. in Sites.  Plus, accounts are already created.

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