I agree with the "teach them the good " part. We have a good start with the lectures about KidBiz email, if they hear it enough and know that they are using the district and school pages and know that we can see everything they do (basically) they will be more careful. The kids are becoming more aware of right and wrong. They do not want to lose the privilege. I know we have had some issues, but I'm getting the mindset of let them explore and not be so uptight. Being a liberal conservative is making me crazy. I want to protect the children from bad but know as soon as they walk out the door they are exposed to more than I can imagine and there is nothing I can do about it. If we can start opening the world to the good things maybe that will outweigh the need to explore the bad stuff. A great example for me was when I let the GenYes kids download Google earth and Sketchup. They are in awe and it has been wonderful to see some of the work they have done. The down side is that they want to do it instead of their classwork.
In regards to iTunes: The educational podcasts are great. Will we use iTunes for the podcasts? Still trying to get a handle on everything.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
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Linda, not a bad thing that they want to do Google Earth instead of their classwork. Use Judo on them - roll with the energy. Just have them do their classwork through Google Earth. I was real proud of myself, actually did my first KMZ file (Google Earth file) as an entire "Lesson Plan". It incorporated Language Arts, Science, Technology, Math, etc.. Had it tied to standards.
Wild, my daughter just told me, "I love technology". She's sitting there with wireless USB microphone and headset using iChat Audio to gab with one of her friends. Something about "health class" tomorrow and they both don't want to do it - "we find it disgusting, but we have to learn it".
Regarding iTunes - one of the uses of pTUNE will be for teachers to post pod/vodcasts. Not sure when or if we will get to students posting, but they're people too....;-)
So, you're a liberal conservative. Hmmmh, I consider myself a compassionate republican, but sometimes an anarchist.....
I believe I'm threading at this point. Sure would like to see that Lesson plan :)
Just turned my daughter on to iChat when she was in Virginia, She is older then yours and of course still learning. It's all good.
Google Earth spins geography like never before! Whats NOT to love about it! The kids are a breeze with all this techno stuff..my kids did their first homework on my cm website blog..and while their content was a little lacking they loved it... and what a breeze for me now sitting here doing couch grading (CM homework blog to Powergrade..bam!) with no papers strewn all over...what's not to love about blogging with students!! But alas (did I really just say alas?!) ...how to get teachers excited.???..we're talking about ease and excitement...teachers talk about ... oh no not one more thing..please. arrrgh!
That "Now you know' powerpoint at the STR meeting was powerful and I'm trying to discern on showing it to staff at the end of this year or beginning of next to inspire to teach at a higher level. All this cool stuff... usually at the end of the year we're winding down...I feel like Im getting all wound up!
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