Thursday, April 26, 2007 & pTUNE

Well, we've made the techno connections between "" and "pTUNE". "" is the online learning community/interface using Google Apps, currently being piloted between PVUSD students and teachers. "pTUNE" is the online interface for pod (audio) and vod (video) casts for the PVUSD community. Both represent significant technological and partnership feats, wherein we have the potential to help shape 21st century learning in a big way. Please explore pTUNE ( is a whole 'nuther gig) and begin processing on next steps.

I've added a few pod and vod casts to pTUNE to give you a sense of the possibilities - please don't consider the examples as permanent content. How we want to organize (tabs, albums, chapters, episodes, etc.) for optimal use is now up to us.

• Launch your web browser and go to
• On the right side, you'll see a link to pTUNE, click it.
• This should launch the iTunes program on your computer.
• You'll be into PVUSD's area of iTunes U.
• Horizontal tabs let you scroll between Administrative, Curriculum, PD, etc. (we can change/add/delete, as needed)
• There are files that you can "Get", by clicking on them.
• Once clicked, downloading occurs and you are put into another holder within iTunes and can play the file - learning iTunes is beyond the scope of this email.
• If you want to go back to PVUSD's area within iTunes, click on the "iTunes Store" on the left pane.
• If you click on a video file, it will play in a small window in the left corner - click on the window and it "grows" to a larger size.

These resources (storage, applications, use and presence) are provided free to us. The techno world wants to engage with us and see how K12 puts these tools to use. Enjoy....more to come......Jeff.....


Jeff Billings said...

You can direct users to a specific pod/vod cast in pTUNE, by right click (ctrl - click) the file and copying the URL directly into a web page. This link should then open iTunes on the users computer and go to the pod/vod cast.

Judith Gerdin said...

Thank you for including my 'vodcast' as part of the examples. I 'blushed.' Hopefully, the ones that follow will only be better.

MsK said...

Nice and organized right there in itunes. Love the tabs...what a great place to store curriculums too!

I think subscribing (like regular podcasts/magazines/news) will be like tuning in to 'weekly' shows...

I have a LOT of ideas for vodcasts... I would certainly like a few more hours in my daze tho...