Saturday, April 21, 2007

Web 3.0 Component - 3D Web

You might want to think about something I've been studying a bit - some are calling it part of "Web 3.0", or "Second Life". The 3D web....

3D Web



MsK said...

Yikes I just showed that Web 2.0 at the last staff meeting!

Jeff Billings said...

It's okay - Web 2.0 is good for at least a year (ehh, maybe only 6 months....;-)...).

Judith Gerdin said...

I am not sure what the use would be, but thanks for keeping us up to date. How different is it from video conferencing?

Jeff Billings said...

Video conferencing is live. Second Life is more where you create your own virtual presence and go into environments where you can interact. So, you could go into University of Michigan's 3D lab and create virtual experiments. Data is kept on your virtual person (avator), where you've been, what you like, classes you've taken, etc.. It's pretty wild actually. But, keep an ear open for it coming in a big way to education.